Cross Art Assemblages from Found Objects

Cross Art Assemblages from Found Objects

The cross art assemblages below are just some of the crosses I've created over the past year from found objects and recycled materials.  A dear friend of mine encouraged me to not let all that is going on around me with the trademark/copyright infringement to keep me from sharing my art online.  I've just had a really hard time the past two years sharing openly anymore but I am trying to get better with that. I'll keep fighting hard to enlighten our legal system and govt about how very important intellectual property rights (trademarks/copyrights) are to the creatives in our country. 

  Anyhooo... below is a small selection of what I've been working on this year.  This is just what we've photographed so far, I've been creating many angel and cross assemblages (as well as my circle drawings) through all of this mess and I hope you enjoy them as they have been very cathartic for me. 

Cross Art Assemblages | The Cross Artworks of Michel Keck created with found objects and recycled materials.

I To create my crosses and angels I use recycled and repurposed wood and metal along with various different found objects and vintage materials.

cross assemblage - crosses from junk and recycled goods - junk art crosses

Crosses made with recycled materials - Cross Art Assemblages by michel keck

cross artworks - mixed media cross art assemblages

crosses - the cross artist michel keck - cross artwork from found objects

creating crosses and making cross art with old wood, metal and tools

God Bless America Cross | USA Crosses made by Michel Keck - Cross Art Assemblage with American Flag

Michel Keck crosses | The Cross Artist Michel Keck Cross Art Assemblages michel keck crosses made from found objects and recycled items

Making Cross Art assemblages with found objects and repurposed wood and metal. Crucifix and cross art

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